2024 Year-End Financial Closing Guide: 10 Essential Steps for Business Owners

The end of a calendar year is always jam-packed for business owners. Not only are you doing your best to get a little bit of rest in during the holidays as well as making sure you’re well-situated in terms of business and revenue for the first quarter of the next year, you’re also trying to…

6 Strategic Financial Moves to Strengthen Your Business in 2025

It’s a new year—cue the confetti—and many of us are making resolutions and setting intentions to make 2025 a year of learning, growth, and improvement. Of course, we also know that the same resolutions we set eagerly at the beginning of the year usually peter out by February. Why? Many reasons—sometimes, we set unrealistic goals,…

Why QuickBooks Might Be Hurting Your Small Business More Than Helping It

First, let’s get one thing out of the way: this isn’t a piece devoted to trashing Quickbooks. On the contrary: as a fractional CFO who has worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes, I’ve seen firsthand how Quickbooks has revolutionized small business accounting. It gives business owners visibility into their numbers in a way…

financial controller

If your business is growing and your Chief Financial Officer could use a hand in managing day-to-day financials, you may be considering your options for outsourcing. Companies like Nexagy® are here to help in transitioning these daily duties to an outsourced financial controller. But what is a controller in finance? How does it work when…

bookkeeping services

The idea of bookkeeping might sound easy enough to a new business owner: money in, money out. But there is more to it than just income and expenses. Working with a company offering bookkeeping services will help you in many ways with navigating the legalese and complex nature of keeping records for a business, organization,…

planning business strategies

Running a business is a challenge in and of itself, but with a well-defined business strategy, growth and success are within reach for many companies. At Nexagy® we can help individuals, groups, and companies in getting a better understanding of the steps needed to grow and sustain their business with time. To do this, we…


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